Pregnancy Update - Week 24

How far along - 24 weeks
Maternity clothes - Some, and some regular clothes still.  I *need* my tax refund ASAP so I can go get some new clothes!  I am growing out of things left and right
Weight gain - 25 lbs...ouch
Stretch marks - nope
Belly button - huge and getting very flat
Sleep - When I am not too sick to fall asleep, it's great.  But I really miss sleeping on my belly:(
Best moment this week - Reaching viability! {however even though I hate being pregnant I want New Baby to stay in there as long as possible!}
Movement - All the time.  I do love it...makes me so relieved everytime I feel it because I know the baby is healthy in there!
Food I'm loving - All things carbs and candy.  I have waffles for breakfast every single morning and am a huge fan of Yoplait yogurt these days too
Food I'm hating - Chicken is iffy.  I still rarely want anything healthy.
Symptoms - still nauseous...seriously, I wish I was kidding.  Lots of back pain, fatigue, out of breathe, swelling at night
Gender - It's a surprise!!
What I'm looking forward to - June and/or not being nauseous anymore....whichever comes first
What I miss - Fitting into my clothes, sleeping on my stomach, having energy
Weekly wisdom - I got nothing
Milestones - Viability!
Emotions - I have good days and bad days, which is better than all bad days I guess
Bonus...I even have pictures this week already...wahoo!!!


  1. 24 week is an awesome milestone! yay!!

  2. I'm 27 wks and already feel huge. I can only imagine the next few months. Although I'm sure if I stopped with the carbs and sweets I'd be better off :) Good luck to you!

  3. Aww, such a cute preggo belly! Have fun and enjoy it - the time truly flies!

  4. You look ADORABLE!! So tiny! Yay for V day!! {24 weeks :)}

  5. Great, now I want candy too. Thanks!

    Yeah, you look adorable!

  6. I love your belly! Love love love it! Boo that you still aren't feeling better! :(


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