Second Blog Award!

I want to thank Bri over at Naptime is the New Happy Hour for also giving me a blog award recently!  Bri is also pregnant with her second baby, a little sister for her older brother!  She is due very soon and I can't wait to see pictures of her little Maddie!  Bri has given me this award!
The rules are very similar to the last award.  I need to:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.
2. Post 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 5 bloggers {okay, I cheated again.  It's supposed to be 15 again, but I have limited computer time these days!}

Okay, let's see if I can find 7 more things to share with you..
1. I have to have my toes painted at all times.  Not sure why, but I do.
2. Diet Coke is my favorite thing in the whole world, but since I've been pregnant I can't stand the taste of it.  It makes me sad and it better go away once this baby comes out!
3. Sometimes I wish we could just pick up and move to the South.  I really hate the winter and would love to live in a place that is warm year round.
4. I'm excited that I will be 28 and done having children.  Since I got married at 22, I always wanted to be done having kids at a young age.
5. I love and miss indoor tanning.  Yes I know it is terrible and I will probably get skin cancer one day, but I love me some tan skin!  I'm from Jersey, what can I say!
6. I can't wait to take tons of roadtrips with my family.  We plan on having our kids see the whole country that way.
7. I'm afraid I will have this nausea for the rest of this pregnancy and that really depresses me.  But after 22 weeks it's hard to stay positive anymore. 

Here are the five bloggers I am passing this along to!

1. Amber @ random rants of an army wife
2. Mrs. Ruby @ Ruby Red Slippers
3. Katie @ The Life of an Army Wife
4. Mrs D. @ The Power of the Pink Lines
5. Expat Girl @ The Sand is Different Here

Head on over and check these ladies out!


  1. Congrats on the blog awards!!!

  2. i like having my toes painted as well. i just feel like i look weird and ugly without painted toes.


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