Show Us Your Life - Beauty Secrets!

Today I'm linking up with Kelly's Korner for her Show Us Your Life Friday.  This week's edition is

Beauty Secrets

And what girl doesn't love sharing the insider tips and products she has come to love!  The first tip I have has to do with mascara....a product I refuse to leave the house without.  It doesn't matter what other makeup I am or not wearing, I *must* wear mascara.  It always brightens up my face and makes me look like I've had way more sleep than I actually have.  However, even though I have a deep love for mascara, it took me a really long time to find one I really loved.  Until this summer.  I needed a waterproof mascara to wear to a pool party I was going to, and I stumbled across this beauty

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 Maybelline Lash Stilletto.  I don't just like this mascara, I love, want to spend the rest of my life with, buy every tube I can find in fear they will discontinue it, mascara.  Seriously, it will change your life.

My next tip may seem a little misplaced on a post about beauty.  It involves this normally associated with baking, staple.

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Sure we all know how important baking soda is when making cookies.  I'm sure you've also heard about leaving an open box in your fridge to absorb odors, or mixing it with a little water to make a great cleaning paste.  But did you also know you should keep a box in your bathroom as well?  I use this cheap and simple products for two things.  The first is as a clarifying shampoo.  Every few weeks I mix some with my regular shampoo and lather away.  Rinse, condition, and get ready to feel the softest cleanest hair you've ever had.  The before and after difference is amazing.  I also use my box of baking soda as a teeth whitener.  After brushing with my regular toothpaste I pour some on my wet toothbrush and rebrush. Not only do my teeth feel super super clean, they are also significantly whiter.  Which is great now while I'm pregnant and can't use any teeth whitening strips!

My last tip has to do with washing your face.  I have yet to find a facial cleanser I really truly love {recommendations would be greatly appreciated!} but there is one thing I do every day that has really seemed to help.  After I am done scrubbing and rinsing my face I run a washcloth under steaming hot water for a minute, squeeze out the excess water, and place the cloth on my face for a few minutes.  I then rub the washcloth over my face as sort of an exfoliant.  It is relaxing and invigorating at the same time, and makes me feel like I've had a mini facial at the end of the day.

So what are your best beauty tips?  Leave a comment and let me know!


  1. Thanks for the mascara recommendation- I am always looking for a new one to try!

  2. This is just my personal opinion, but I have tried every type of face wash (or atleast it seems that way. lol.) and I stumbled across Clinique. I have never used Clinique products until a couple years ago. I have never turned back. I use their Makeup too. I have NEVER had a problem with any of their products. LOVE them. :) I just the regular 'Clinique Liquid Facial Soap'. ;)

  3. I have sensitive skin and have found Cetaphil's Skin Cleanser works the best.

  4. I'm a big mascara girl too! It just makes me feel like I have actually gotten ready for the day! I have never heard of using baking soda as a natural whitener though. I'm so going to try that! Plus I didn't know you couldn't use teeth whiteners while you were pregnant, I wonder why? And I've got nothing for facial care. I'm all over the place. I do use Cetaphil moisturizer every morning after I get out of the shower though and love it!

  5. love the baking soda tip! try using it as an exfoliator for your face.

    i use cetaphil bar soap and love it!


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