Sunday Favorites

This week's Sunday Favorite is what is your all-time favorite TV show?  Not your current favorite, but the one you could watch every day, the one that has stood the test of time.  It took me a little while to narrow down my choice to just one.  I've had a lot of favorites over the years....

I like TV, what can I say!  But there is one show that I can watch for months, miss it for a few years, and pick right back up where I was before.  I can {and do} watch it every day.  It's a show I've been watching on and off for 25 years!  Not only has it stood my test of time, but others as well since it has been on for almost 50 years.  So what is it?  What is my absolute favorite show of all time?

Seriously, I love it.  I mean hello, James Franco is even on it!  If you're looking for an afternoon show, definitely check it out!

So what about you?  What is you all-time favorite show?


  1. Ha Ha! Aside from General Hospital, Dr. Quinn, and the one that doesn't show up, I feel like we understand each other! ha ha. Love those old shows! :)

  2. I LOVED Saved By The Bell! Oh Zack Morris bc still my beating heart! Although now I've moved on to McDreamy! lol


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