Sunday Favorites

I've decided to start a new tradition here on Mommy Musings.  I want to start something called Sunday Favorites.  Every Sunday I will post about a different favorite of mine {flowers, meals to make, shops, etc.} and why.  Feel free to join in!  I would love to create a button for this but I honestly have no idea how! {anyone want to help?}  Okay, here we go!

Today's Sunday Favorite is flowers.  My favorite flower is the tulip. 

image found at
I had always thought they were beautiful.  I love how simple they are, and how different they look whether open or closed.  My love for them was sealed though when I was a senior in college.  Skip and I were engaged and he was deployed to Iraq.  My mom found a bookmark for me with a tulip pin attached.  On the bookmark was a poem about a woman waiting for her betrothed in a field of tulips {it would be perfect if I could FIND the poem, but I have no idea where the bookmark is now and hours of searching the internet turned up nothing}  But it was perfect for the current scenario I was in.  Tulips have been my absolute favorite flower ever since.

What is your favorite flower and why?


  1. I love tulips too! So pretty! :) Not my favorite - but I love a good hot pink tulip! :)

  2. Tulips are my absolute favorite too!!!! The Mr. brought me tulips on Valentine's day... :-)

  3. Tulips are my favorite as well. Calla lilies right behind. Beautiful picture.


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