Little M's Big Girl Room - A CSN Review

With New Baby's impending arrival, we are working on transforming our guest room into a "big girl bedroom" for Little M.  I'm so excited to make it as girlie as possible!  I am currently painting it pink and we will accent it with black and white.  The overall theme of the room will be "Parisian Elegance".  It is a room I hope she will enjoy now, as well as grow into in the future!

Of course I immediately went to CSN to look for all the bedding and other accessories I would need.  I was blown away by their selection!  They have TONS of French inspired decor.  The hardest part was deciding which pattern I liked best!  I finally decided on the Jo Jo Designs Black French Toile Series.  I have seen it other places before, but CSN had the best prices by far!

My first order was the laundry hamper and nightlight. 

Photo from

Photo from
I was anxious to get them since I was waiting to pick the exact paint color until I could hold up the samples next to them.  I was happy when they arrived only a few days after ordering!  I also could not be more pleased with their quality and overall look.  Both of these pieces seem like they will be able to stand up to the test of a spirited two year old girl!  Their look is timeless and Little M will be able to use them for years to come.

I was very happy with my order.  I have already ordered the matching curtains and will soon be getting the whole bedding set.  I cannot wait until her room is finished!  It is wonderful that I have a place like CSN to go to for all my household needs.  They have a huge selection, their prices fit right into my budget, and I don't have to spend hours searching the web for items.  They have everything I need! 

Disclaimer: I received a gift card from CSN to use towards the purchase of the hamper and nightlight.  I was not compensated monetarily for my opinions.  All of the thoughts expressed are my own, and I was not persuaded in any way.


  1. I picked that same bedding - the French toile in pink - from Overstock to use in our Baby Girl's nursery!

  2. so lovely! and girly. can't wait to see the finish product!


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