Pregnancy Update - Week 26

How far along - 26 weeks

Maternity clothes - Just bought some more clothes this week.  Some maternity and some non maternity.  I'm so sick of my maternity jeans that I bought a pair of regular jeans in a larger size and am rocking those with a rubber band around the button...not as comfy but way cuter!

Weight gain - 27 lbs.

Stretch marks - none

Belly button - very flat

Sleep - My favorite thing ever.

Best moment this week - Spring forward!  I love that it will be lighter later now...bring on the summer!

Movement - All the time...this baby is going to be a gymnast for sure!

Foods I'm loving - Waffles.  I have them every single morning.  Yummmmm

Foods I'm hating - Leftovers.  For some reason I cannot stand them recently.

Symptoms - All day nausea.  I get sick if I miss a dose of my Zofran.  Looks like I'm just going to be sick the rest of the pregnancy.  Also fatigue, lots of back pain, some swelling at night, face breaking out.

Gender - It's a surprise!

What I'm looking forward to - June

What I miss - Being able to tie my sneakers without a great deal of effort

Milestones - Every week closer is a milestone.

Emotions - Trying to stay positive and push myself when I feel okay because it makes me feel better about myself.


  1. I didn't know your gender is a surprise...well not yours of course:-) How fun! Do you have any boy or girl feelings??

  2. Don't feel bad - my first child I only had morning sickness for 3 months. But with my second, I had it for like 6 months. :(

  3. Congratulations! We found out the first time for gender, but when we get pregnant again I just don't know! It would be so exciting to wait! This is my first time at your blog and I likes!

  4. I hate that you are still feeling sick! This baby is going to owe you one! One of the nice things about being pregnant when it's warm out is that you can wear anythign with an elastic waist. I actually bought some skirts from Target and Old Navy that were like knee length with stretchy waists and wore them all the time! Those and gauchos as soon as Spring weather arrived! Then I at least kind of felt cute. Or you could try leggings with longer shirts or mid thigh dresses, I remember hating how not cute so many things made me feel when I was pregnant! But you should know that I think you look freaking adorable!

  5. Newest follower here :) Found you through Saturday Morning Scene with Katie. First off, LOVE your blog and your daughter is adorable. Second, you are like, the cutest pregnant lady evah. Third, I can't wait to keep following with you on your pregnancy journey! Good luck!


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