Random Ramblings

It is currently snowing outside...at the end of March....after it was 75* last week.  It is messing with my mind so much that I cannot handle a post comprised of anything more than bullet points, so here you go.

- I passed my gestational diabetes test last week....wahoo!!  I have to admit that I was nervous since I eat enough cookies and candies to kill a small horse, but apparently that doesn't matter!

- They did tell me that my iron levels are actually lower than they were a few weeks ago when they put me on iron pills.  At least I know why I am ridiculously tired all the freakin' time.  I hope doubling the dosage helps!

- My nesting instinct is in full force recently.  Shame the exhaustion and nausea don't allow me to get much done.

- I am going to start potty training Little M in a few weeks.  I'm totally excited and freaking out at the same time.  Any tips you can give would be greatly appreciated!

- There is a lot of discussion about possible big changes at Skip's job because of budget concerns.  He says if he loses his job he will just go active duty Marine Corps.  I am less than thrilled at this prospect.

- I've officially turned into a techie nerd.  Last week Skip and I bought a brand new HP desktop computer and Nikon DSLR camera.  I cannot stop playing with either of them!  Thank you Uncle Sam for the generous tax return! {I'm also accepting any tips you have on properly using a DSLR camera..I'm pretty sure I can't just use the manual setting forever!}

- My little girl has gone from baby to toddler to straight up KID.  We can hold conversations together, she has opinions and makes up stories for her toys.  I literally cannot believe how fast time has flow.

- Little M fell out of her bed for the first time last night:(  Thankfully she was not upset or hurt at all and just got back into bed!

- I may feel like I will be pregnant forever but I had a slight freak-out this morning when I realized New Baby will be here in a little more than 12 weeks!!  I have sooo much to do before then!

- It's weird to think that I will be putting an end to my baby-growing days {there is no way I or my family could survive another pregnancy} before most of my friends even start their families.  Makes me feel old.

- I am quickly growing out of all my winter stuff and REALLY need the warm weather to come and stick around!

- Yesterday Little M and I got in the car to go shopping.  She said, "Grandmom's house?" {her way of asking if we were going to visit my mom}  I said, "No M, Grandmom is at the beach this week."  She thought about it for a minute and said "Okay Mommy.  Beach.  Let's go!"  haha....what a cutie she is!

- I found a drive-thru Dunkin Donuts near me.  I may just start going there every other day!

- I'm a little sad no one linked up for my Sunday Favorites a few weeks ago.  Any interest there?  Should I have posted the topic a day or so earlier so you would have a chance to post?  I'm going to try one more time this weekend before I give up :(

- Does anyone else watch General Hospital?  Because the Jake story-line is one of the saddest things I have ever seen on TV.  I just cannot.stop.crying

- So happy a new Grey's is *finally* on tomorrow.  I am in need of some McDreamy and girl time with my bestie J!

- I managed to find the energy to clean the entire house and do 6 loads of laundry today....so I feel no guilt that Little M and I are going to eat waffles for dinner!


  1. I know how you feel about feeling old that your family is in full force while friends have not even started theirs. Just think though, early retirements ;)
    It is a must that you stop talking about the Dunkin' Donuts that you found! haha. K? Thanks! I can only imagine how delish some warm donuts would be. Oh me...

  2. I will participate in your Sunday favorites.

  3. 1. Tell me about it. The weather was 73 degrees for the past few days. Today we had a hail storm and isolated tornadoes! Uggh.

    2. Yay for passing your GDT! :)

    3. My iron levels were the same way - I was always soooo tired. Know how you feel.

    4. Potty training? My best friend's little girl is only 11 days older than my son who will be 4 in July. She just now started pottying. Seriously. My son started last March and had it down in June. It just takes time. So, don't push her. If she doesn't stick to it, let it go. Because I pushed my son too early, then he recessed. You don't want that. ;)

    5. I am soooo excited about Grey's too!! :)

  4. We've somehow managed to completely skip spring and are in full on summer mode. It's HOT here!

    My iron stayed low my entire pregnancy and I was completely exhausted and miserable. I feel for you girl... :(

    I'm a horrible weekend blogger, but I'll try to link up this week!

  5. YAY for passing the GD test & YAY for M sleeping in her big girl bed. But sad she fell out!

  6. new follower here!
    I think you just made my day, yahoo for new greys! ugh and don't get my started on the weather!

  7. O no! I am so sorry to hear your husbands job may not be doing well. Being married to a cop I know, what its like when the contract negotiations come up.. lately they have not been good. I get so upset when all they want to do is talk budget cuts, I mean seriously... we get paid lower then average as it is , why do we need cuts, and we lost our cola increase this year, and physical fitness allowence, and uniform cleaning allowance, and duty weapon allowance.

  8. I was so excited about the new Grey's this week! It was good too! I can't wait to see next weeks episode now. I hope that everything goes okay with Skip's job. I hate the stress of whether or not your one income is actually going to be coming in. I feel for you! :( And you guys should have headed to the beach! It would have been a nice mini vaca! :)

  9. And I completely forgot to tell you, I love the idea of the Sunday Favorites and keep meaning to participate but I am horrible about getting anything up on my blog on Sundays. I'm always so tired and worn out from the weekend that I don't even want to think about thinking! I'm so going to do it next week though, I will suck it up and make it happen! Plus it's fun getting to know what some of your favorite things are and getting to share and talk about them!


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