Saturday Morning Scenes

Skip is currently outside building a shed in our backyard.  Since it is only 28* right now {AT THE END OF MARCH} this little girl has to stay inside with Mommy and only watch from the window.  She is less than happy about it:(


  1. That is just the saddest face ever! Give her a squeeze from Grandmom!

  2. oh, that face! she looks super bummed! i can't believe how freakin' cold it is outside.. at least down here it LOOKS gorgeous and sunny and like it should be 70 degrees.. one foot out the door and you're quickly reminded it's... thirty. GROSS.

  3. For some reason my computer won't let me view the picture. But I can imagine. lol. I am so tired of this cold weather. Yay for Springtime - hoping it warms up soon! :) Hope you had a great Saturday!

  4. we've been stuck inside all day today as well thank you freezing cold rain, and that face is a twin of BG's today!

  5. Awww what a sad face! I wish Spring would hurry up and realize that it's supposed to be here already! Seriously! And hurray for Skip building a shed, I have shed envy over here!


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