Sunday Favorites

Big things are happening this week for Sunday Favorites.  Now YOU can join in the fun!  I have made my very own button and added a linky at the end of the post!  {Please don't make fun of my button.  I know it's ridiculously simple, but it's all I could handle right now!}

So grab my button, add it to your post, and link up below!

This week's top is Favorite Vacation Spot

I have been very lucky to visit some wonderful places in my lifetime....Barbados, Florida, Punta Cana, London, Paris.  But so far, my favorite vacation destination is San Diego, CA.  Back in the summer of 2004 Skip was stationed at Camp Pendleton for pre-deployment training.  He got a few days leave over the Fourth of July so I flew out there to be with him and just fell in love with the city!  I'm not typically a fan of big cities, but San Diego was cleaner, more laid back, and way less overwhelming than most cities I have been to.  The beaches were huge and relaxing.  And the weather was absolutely perfect!  Skip really liked it too and we even toyed with the idea of moving out there when he got home.  {We did change our minds when we realized how slow-paced everyone is.  Great for vacation, bad for every day life}  It was a perfect four-day weekend and we can't wait to go back there again in the future!

Having some drinks at the Hustler Bar with Larry Flynt {no really!  He was at our table.  Story for another time}

Exploring the beaches

On the boardwalk

On the base....loved all the Marines everywhere!

Now it's your turn to link up! 


  1. I would say my favorite so far has been London, but I loved Scotland and Wales too. :) Beautiful country! :)

  2. I am so jealous of all the places you've been! I haven't been anywhere fun. Boo! San Diego is on our list of places to go, my SIL used to live there and loved it and I want to check out all the kid stuff there!


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