Top 2 Tuesdays!

Today's topic is Top 2 Celebrity Hairstyles!

Reese Witherspoon.  She is such a classic beauty and her hair always looks perfect!  I think she looks great no matter what she does with it, long, short, bangs, curls.  She can do it all!  I would love if my hair looked like hers one day!

Rachel McAdams.  She is another one who seems to be able to pull off any color, look she wants too.  She's done the whole spectrum it seems from blond, to red, to brunette...each of them better than the last!

So which celebrity hairstyles do you love the most?


  1. I love Reese's hair! It's so pretty and versatile.

  2. I love love love Reese's hair too! shes so cute!

  3. Rachel is my fav actress!
    I'm your newest follower and your daughter is adorable!!

  4. I love both of them! And Reese seriously always has great hair! I have serious Jennifer Aniston hair envy too! Hers always looks amazing!

  5. I'm visiting from over at Top Two Tuesday! I have always LOVED Rachel McAdams...especially in the notebook! GReat Choice!


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