Top 2 Tuesdays

Today's Top 2 Tuesdays is two random facts about yourself!

1. I think eating cereal with milk poured over it is disgusting.  It gets way too soggy.  So when I eat cereal I take a bite of the dry cereal from my bowl, take a sip of milk from my glass, and chew.  I then repeat with each bite. Weird, yes, but more importantly, effective!   I never have any sogginess!

2. I buy most of my clothes in the juniors department still {well, not when I'm pregnant}  I especially love all the juniors jeans.  I'm built like a teenager still so I like to think I can get away with it.  And who doesn't love the cheaper prices!  I am dreading 30 because I feel like I might have to give this up and actually move to the women's section of Kohl's :(


  1. I shop in the juniors section too. I've actually never stepped in the womens section. And for Capris, I have to shop in the little girls section...I'm too short for "adult" capris.

  2. I can understand the cereal thing. I do that with cinnamon toast crunch and golden grahams, but all the other ones I like a little soggy. Haha!

  3. Hi! Stopping over from Undomestic Mama's Top 2 Tuesdays. And I'm here to tell you that you don't have to stop shopping in the Junior dept after you turn 30! I'm north of 30 and my weird kid-like body can only fit in JR apparel.
    Feel free 2 swing by -
    Have a great day!

  4. That a great way to eat cereal...

  5. Your cereal habit makes me laugh! It must take you forever to eat a bowl!!

    And I don't think I could wear juniors clothes when I technically was a "junior"! Jealous!

  6. I still shop in the juniors section too! really a lot of their stuff is just so much cuter! Just because I'm a Mom doesn't mean I want to look frumpy! You don't have to give it up! I think as long as you still fit in it you can still wear it! My Mom still buys some things from the junior section!


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