Pregnancy Update - Week 32

How far along - 32 weeks

Maternity clothes - Yes, with some regular clothes mixed in.  I was able to wear a junior's maxi dress from Kohl's yesterday for Easter!

Weight gain - 35 lbs....would love for it to stop here!

Stretch marks - Thankfully none

Belly button - a tiny bit out

Sleep - I loooooooove sleeping.  Still getting up a TON in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom will probably be years before I know what it's like to sleep through the night again!

Best moment this week - It is *finally* getting warmer out there..bring on the summer heat!

Foods I'm loving - Depends on the day.  I'm actually getting way more nauseous than I was {if you can believe that} so it all depends on how I'm feeling that day.  Can always eat candy and bagels though {hence the 35 lbs weight gain}

Foods I'm hating - Again, depends on the day.  I rarely want meat of any kind, or veggies. 

Movement - All the time.  That is the one thing about pregnancy I do love.  Though I'm convinced the baby is trying to push its way out through my belly button sometimes.

Symptoms - Nausea, a little dry heaving has made its appearance again, swelling, back pain, allergies {not related to pregnancy I know, but annoying me none the less} fatigue, nesting like *crazy*

Gender - Skip and I know, but we're keeping it a secret!  Don't forget to vote in the poll on the left side!

What I'm looking forward to - Being full term and trying to convince New Baby to make its appearance a little early!

What I miss - Everything about not being pregnant

Milestones - 8 months today...wahoo!!!  Trekking on through

Emotions - I really try and stay positive as much as possible, but it's hard.  I don't mean to sound like I'm just complaining all the time on these.  I am so so so blessed to be carrying this little one.  The baby is healthy and thriving in there and that is all I can ask for.  It's just that being nauseous for 28 weeks {I wasn't sick until week 4} straight without a single day of full relief is really taking a toll on me.  It will be so worth it once I hold this little bundle of joy in my arms, but the journey there is really wearing me down.

On a more positive's a 32 week picture taken yesterday at Easter.  I look and feel like a house!


  1. 35lbs aside, I think you look fantastic, Mama! I gained about 45 when I was pregnant with C.. Oof! Something I hope to never, ever repeat ever again! Although, at least I can say 10lbs of it was baby! LOL Eeee!! 32 weeks! I can't wait to "meet" new baby and see the nursery!

  2. You are all belly! You totally don't look like a house, well, unless that house is a super cute one!

  3. I think you look great.

    My testing nurse told me that I was in the first week of month nine this morning.

    We are getting close.

  4. I am so jealous of how great you look!!!!! I love the tummy!!!!

  5. You look adorable!! Also you kind of are a house...your a baby house since you know the baby lives in you :) Nonetheless, you look fantastic and are all belly!!

  6. I think you look great!! And you don't have too much longer. I'm sorry you've been so sick. That has to have been hard. Maybe these last couple of weeks will give you some relief!

  7. you look amazing! and I can't believe that you fit into a regular sized dress for Easter!

  8. Awwww, look at you and your belly! And the dress! It looks fabulous on you! You are all belly! I can't wait to see little baby, not too much longer! I hope you start feeling better! And soon, it really isn't fair that you are growing a whole person and feeling crappy! :(

  9. Super cute! That dress is adorable. :) Almost there!!

  10. you look fantastic!! I gained 50lbs with Goose!! and she only weighed 6lbs 1oz at birth!! talk about a house - I was a BARN!! ;)


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