Spring Shopping for the Pregnant Girl

First off, thanks so much to all of you for all your sweet comments on my pregnancy post!  I wish you could all follow me around all day long telling me how tiny I look...it would do wonders for my ego!  Haha.  Anyways, as a lot of you know, you start to feel less than stellar towards the end of a pregnancy {not that I've been feeling great at any time, but you know}  The weight gain and huge belly really start to drain you.  Throw in all the beautiful spring lines everywhere that I could not fit into if I tried, and a girl can start to get down on herself.  But no fear pregnant ladies, there is a way to happily go spring shopping without leaving the store feeling like a whale.  Want to know the secret?  SHOE SHOPPING!!! 

I had a 20% off coupon to Payless the other day and was determined to put it to good use.  And boy did I!  I came away with not one, not two, but FOUR new pairs of shoes.  I'm in love.

all images from payless.com

Now if you'll excuse me I'll be lying down on the couch with my legs straight up in the air.  I can't have my feet swelling now can I!


  1. You can wear heels while pregnant?!?!


  2. I'm in love with your shoes!

  3. Aren't the first pair so cute? I'm getting them soon :)

  4. I wore heels until week 38. I had too. It was all that made me feel human!! Cute shoes. I love those wedges!

  5. Oh I love them! (Well, not the heels...those are NOT going on my feet) I just found $50 cleaning out my old craft box *I know!! CRAZY!* and my spending place of choice will be Payless. I haven't gotten new shoes in over 3 years. :(

  6. Oh my goodness...the cuteness! I love all of them! And I need new shoes...especially now after seeing all of these! I forsee a trip to Payless in my future!!


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