Wedding ABC's

Nicole over at Flip Flops and Combat Boots filled out this survey a few weeks weeks ago.  I thought it was really fun!  Since Skip and I attended the wedding of some of our really good friends last night, and were reminiscing about our own wedding, I thought today would be a great day to fill it out!

Our wedding took place on July 29, 2005.

Attending: Including the two of us we had 72 people...we wanted to keep it really small

Bridesmaids: My best friend K was my maid of honor, and my two sisters were my bridesmaids

Catering: The reception hall took care of the food and it was all amazing!  I only wish we hadn't missed our cocktail hour.

Dress: I loved my dress.  It was the first one I tried on at the first place we looked.  Only my mom and I went to look and it was such a special time together.  We both cried when I tried this one on so we knew it was it!

Engagement: Skip and I got engaged three days before he left for his deployment to Iraq.  We were engaged for a little less than a year before we got married.  We would have gotten married sooner but we weren't exactly sure when he would be coming home.

Flowers: I carried a bouquet of red roses, and my girls had white rose bouquets.  I loved the contrast!  I was also a very lucky bride and received this gorgeous display of white roses the morning of the wedding from my sweet groom!

Reading the card he sent me, which I still keep in my jewelry case

Groomsmen: Skip doesn't have any brothers so his groomsmen were all just friends with him.

Honeymoon: We spent a week in Punta Cana following our wedding.  We loved the resort so much we went back the next year for our first anniversary!

Invitations: We had very simple, white invitations that my dad printed up at home.  We were trying to save money wherever possible!

Justice of the Peace: We didn't have a JOP, we had the priest from my church marry us.  He was such a great, laid back wonderful guy and we were so happy he could help us celebrate our wonderful day!

Keepsakes: I think this questions is about favors?  We didn't give out traditional favors to our guests.  Instead we made a donation to the American Cancer Society, as several of my family members have died from cancer.

Ladies Night: There was a bit of drama surrounding this night, but it ended up being the week before my wedding.  My sisters and my best girl friends took me out to dinner at the Melting Pot and then had a lingerie party for me.

Music: We had a great DJ that had everyone dancing all night long!  Any DJ that ends the night with a Bon Jovi song is fabulous in my mind!

Newlyweds: Well since we've been married for almost six years now, we're definitely not newlyweds anymore!

Old, new, borrowed, blue: Old was a handkerchief I carried that was my grandmother's I believe? {wow that's terrible that I don't remember!}  New was my dress.  Borrowed was my mother's pearl necklace. Blue was my garter.

Photography: A woman I used to work with was our photographer.  It was so wonderful that she knew me, and made the whole experience really stress free.

Question popping: Skip proposed on August 8, 2004 in the evening, in his parent's backyard.  I was being surprised and ridiculously happy and excited!

Reception: Our reception hall was the same one my parents and my aunt were married out.  It was small, romantic, and the people that worked there could not have been more wonderful.  They were super accommodating and understanding to the fact that Skip was in Iraq for most of the wedding planning process.

Shoe game: I have no idea what this is.

Trash the dress: I never did this but am thinking about it.  It looks so fun!  Maybe it's something I'll do for our 10 year anniversary

Unique: We had a few unique parts to our wedding.  The first was that when we were introduced as husband and wife, a bagpipe and drum band walked in front of us playing the Marine Corps Hymn.  It was the one thing Skip wanted and it was so awesome.  Also, all of the boys sang "You've Lost that Loving Feeling" to me during the reception ala Top Gun.  I loved it!

Vows: Skip and I went with tradition vows.  We love that we can relive that moment anytime we are at a wedding with traditional vows as well!

Wedding woes: Other than Skip being away during most of the engagement, we really didn't have many.  I was very relaxed and stress-free about the whole process.

X-rated: Only the bachelor and bachelorette parties!

Young kids: No one we were friends with had any kids, so this wasn't a problem

Zzzzz: We were married on a Friday night and had to leave for our honeymoon at 4:00 am on Sunday, so we didn't go to bed at all Saturday night.  We were exhausted!

I loved filling out this survey and taking a little trip down memory lane.  Feel free to fill this out yourself!  Let me know if you do so I can come check it out!


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