The Pink Room

A *huge* shoutout to my BFF Kim for still having my post on Little M's pink room saved in her reader and emailing it to me!  So glad I don't have to try and remember what I wrote.  So if you missed it the other day, here is a peak into Little M's new big girl room!

Okay, I really meant to sit down and write this weeks ago, but better late than never right? We moved Little M to her new big girl room about a month or so ago, and the transition really has gone smoothly. I think it helped that we moved all the furniture, including her converted crib-to-toddler bed from her nursery. I think it helped her feel more secure. We built it up for weeks, always talking about her "pink room" and how it was for big girls. We let her just play in there for a few days before the move as well, which also seemed to help. She still gets excited to go up to her "pink room" all the time, and has show no desire to go back to the nursery, even with the New Baby's crib set up already. I'm really happy that she's adjusted so well. I'm even happier with the way the room turned out! I went with a pink, black, and white French-themed room. I love that it is something she can grow with, and can also be easily changed with a few accessories. When she is a little bigger we will be trading in the toddler bed for a four-poster bed that matches the other furniture in the room. I will also then be getting the bedding set that matches the curtains, nightlight, and hamper. Now for the pictures....Enjoy!!

View from the doorway

Changing table will obviously get moved to New Baby's room in June

Nightlight matches the curtains!  Both from

Every little girl needs a rocking chair!

Some pictures and video monitor above her bed

I framed some decorative paper I got from Michaels

Highlighting a few accessories

A few more accessories...most of which I got at Michaels

Paris sign from Michaels...lightswitch cover from Etsy...hamper from


  1. love it! great idea to make it something fun now, but that she can grow with and the can be versatile!! wonderful job! :)

  2. aw, i love it! such a pretty big girl's room! and how much do i LOVE Michaels? I could be in there every week if the budget allowed! Good thing you dont have a Hobby Lobby. it's basically the lovechild of HomeGoods and Michaels. It's... amazing.

  3. Such a cute room!!! You found some super cute stuff to put in there. I love Michael's for that very reason!!

  4. Oh my goodness that is the best little girl room ever! I am kind of jealous. And I looooove Michaels. In Jersey I went all the time, they saved my behind for my wedding! I do have slight withdrawls without it here.

  5. I looooove that color pink! It's gorgeous!


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