Baby Love

I think it's safe to say that we're all totally in love with this little girl these days. 

Once I emerge from my 'no sleep, not always time to eat, all we do is change diapers, running after a toddler, can't remember last time I showered' fog I promise I'll write a real post.  Hang in there with me....two kids is taking some adjusting!


  1. gah!! she is SO little!!! i forget that they're that little sometimes... so cute!!

  2. Love it! Gives me hope that Cookie will take to her little sister just as well!

  3. I haven't officially congratulated you yet. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited to see more pictures of your little Squishy and her big sister loving her. How sweet :) I hope you get some sleep soon!

  4. Aww, what a precious picture! It looks like new baby already has a big sister who adores her!

  5. I just love this photo! hows Little M dealing with not being the only child?

  6. Awwww! I love that you guys are all so in awe of her! So cute!!


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