Eviction Notice
I finally have an end in sight. An actual day New Baby will make its appearance. The countdown can begin for real. Along with my doctor, I came up with an eviction notice for New Baby. He or she will be induced into making their appearance THIS WEDNESDAY June 15th!!! It is only five days earlier than my due date, and since I have been so sick this pregnancy, my doctor felt it was time to get this baby out sooner than later. And I am more than happy to oblige!!
I feel very at peace with this decision. I feel such a sense of relief that it will all be over soon. {and that I won't actually be pregnant or nauseous forever!} I love knowing exactly when I need to go into the hospital so I can finish getting some last minute things done and we can plan for someone to watch Little M. I have been trying to prep her as well, though I'm not sure she really gets it all. It is nice that I'm not just sitting around doing the whole "wait and see" thing, and that the whole thing will be much more calm than a harried, "This is it...we have to leave now!"
But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous and just a tiny bit scared. In one way it's nice that this is my second time around, and I know what to expect of labor and delivery. But on the other hand, I KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT! As done as I am with being pregnant and not caring how this baby gets out, I still know it's going to be the farthest thing from pleasant. I've also never been induced before. I went into labor naturally with Little M, so I'm not sure what to expect. I've heard it is a lot more painful to be induced. I do plan on getting an epidural as soon as they'll let me, but I know I'll be in a great deal of pain for a while before that can happen. And there is always the possibility of a c-section if labor does not progress well enough. And that is something I REALLY don't wan to happen. I know everything will be fine once we actually start going through the motions, but the lead up is what is going to keep me awake for the next few days!
Overall I am very excited to meet new baby and start our new life as a family of four! I do welcome any advice you have though if you have been induced before. And lots of prayers are welcomed on Wednesday!!
I feel very at peace with this decision. I feel such a sense of relief that it will all be over soon. {and that I won't actually be pregnant or nauseous forever!} I love knowing exactly when I need to go into the hospital so I can finish getting some last minute things done and we can plan for someone to watch Little M. I have been trying to prep her as well, though I'm not sure she really gets it all. It is nice that I'm not just sitting around doing the whole "wait and see" thing, and that the whole thing will be much more calm than a harried, "This is it...we have to leave now!"
But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous and just a tiny bit scared. In one way it's nice that this is my second time around, and I know what to expect of labor and delivery. But on the other hand, I KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT! As done as I am with being pregnant and not caring how this baby gets out, I still know it's going to be the farthest thing from pleasant. I've also never been induced before. I went into labor naturally with Little M, so I'm not sure what to expect. I've heard it is a lot more painful to be induced. I do plan on getting an epidural as soon as they'll let me, but I know I'll be in a great deal of pain for a while before that can happen. And there is always the possibility of a c-section if labor does not progress well enough. And that is something I REALLY don't wan to happen. I know everything will be fine once we actually start going through the motions, but the lead up is what is going to keep me awake for the next few days!
Overall I am very excited to meet new baby and start our new life as a family of four! I do welcome any advice you have though if you have been induced before. And lots of prayers are welcomed on Wednesday!!
I cannot wait to meet/see him or her. I am so excited for you.
ReplyDeletePraying for you!!!
ReplyDeleteI was induced with Preston! I loved it! I loved knowing that he was coming and that everything was ready and that Brad and my Mom were both for sure going to be there because they'd both been given some notice. I'd gone a week over (which was probably not actually a week over since I was induced the day before my original due date before they moved me up a week because Preston was measuring big) and my Dr told me we should start thinking about induction since I hadn't gone into labor. I was really stressed about a c-section too. I started looking into the chances and talked to my Dr about it a lot before deciding to go ahead with the induction. My Dr said that while the chance of a c-section is higher with induction that a lot of times women who c-section may have ended up in a c-section anyways whether induced or not. I hope hearing that helps! Anyways I loved it! I did get an epidural, but like you I knew that I wanted one no matter what anyways so that had nothing to do with being induced. They let me get my epidural at 4cm because I went into back labor and thought I was going to die. But I don't think that had anything to do with being induced, but more to do with Preston's position. How are they inducing you? My Dr popped my water and they waited to see if my body would just progress along on it's own. I did end up starting on pitocin to help speed things along.
ReplyDeleteIt's going to go great! And it'll be so exciting to get to meet New Baby!!! I'm so excited for you!!! And you know if you have any questions about anything to do with induction I will do my best to answer them if I can! You and Baby will be in my prayers!!! And I'll be obsessively checking FB, Twitter, and here on Wednesday!!!!
So exciting!!!! I hope the induction goes smoothly!
ReplyDeleteI was induced at 37weeks, 5days and don't worry - it's not scary or anymore painful!
ReplyDeleteMy mom had told me that it was so painful when they induced her 18 years ago with my sis, but I guess a lot has changed since then as it was pretty smooth sailing for me and most others I know who were induced in the last few years.
They started the pitocin at 1030pm and I was already 3cm dilated when we went in. The first few hours they said I was contracting well but either I have a high pain tolerance or it had something to do with me having GD that made me not notice it much but I honestly didn't feel much of anything until around 4am or so when the back labor started and I requested some of the dilauded as I just couldn't get comfy (didn't help that the bed that converted to the delivery table had the bar right where my back was!). My water broke just before 7am, I was 7cm dilated and things went quick from there as within 10min I was fully dilated and we delivered Jay at 7:26am.
To be honest, being induced was nice, although I literally found out it was going to happen just hours beforehand (I had an ultrasound 2 days prior at the hospital for abnormalities that showed up on my clinic's ultrasound machine and I guess my doctor had just spoke to the high risk doctor that did the ultrasound at the hospital that afternoon and made the call that since I was technically full term anyway it'd be best to get baby out ASAP). So no "surprise" of being at home, waiting for contractions to increase or water to break to rush to the hospital! I wouldn't mind being induced again though, it was a nice experience.
Advice that a friend gave me that I'll pass on - eat right before you go to the hospital! As once labor starts you'll only be able to have clear liquids (and pending on your vitals maybe even JUST ice) and if you have a long labor, you're screwed as you don't get to eat til after baby comes out and they fix ya back up.