Pregnancy Update - Week 39

I was only doing these updates on the even weeks, but since I won't be pregnant anymore next week {yay!} I figured I'd do one last one!

How far along - 39 weeks

Maternity clothes - I have like 3 things I can wear still.  I cannot WAIT to be able to wear some of my old clothes again!

Stretch marks - Some on my hips and thighs....just mean that I made it this far and then they started popping up

Belly button - Definitely out

Sleep - Still loving sleep.  I can drift off just fine, but it's really hard to get up EVERY HOUR to go to the bathroom still. 

Best moment this week - Doctor appointment last week when my doc said we could induce on Wednesday!!!

Foods I'm loving - Candy, some chocolate, and all carbs

Foods I'm hating - Chicken is still iffy. I can't eat a lot at one sitting....stretches my stomach out way too much

Movement - Still consistent but much less than before. New Baby has definitely run out of room.

Symptoms - Still nauseous {ARGH!!!}, back pain, hip pain, stuffy nose, swelling, exhaustion, some cramping, pelvic pain that makes it almost impossible for me to walk some days, out of breath from doing ANYTHING

Gender - Looks like most of you think boy.  Get those last minute votes in before New Baby makes its appearance!

What I'm looking forward to - Wednesday, my baby's birth day!!  Cannot WAIT to meet this little one {and not be pregnant anymore!

What I miss - Everything about not being pregnant {but not for much longer!}

Emotions - Very excited that I will be holding this baby in my arms in a little over 48 hours!!  Nervous about the induction.  Sad about leaving Little M while I'm in the hospital.  Ever so slightly sad that these are the last two days I will ever be pregnant again.

And now for the final belly pictures!

So glad I'm getting induced...I could not get any bigger!

This one is a little out of focus, but you get the idea!


  1. I am so excited for you. YAY!!! Our babies are just twelve days apart.

  2. I think girl! You look great!

  3. Good luck tomorrow Mandy!! I kind of think girl, but kind of boy. I'm helpful huh?!? Can't wait to "meet" New Baby!!

  4. You are so ready to pop!!! Can't wait to see the little one. That last week is so exciting (when you know it's going to be over!!!!)


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