Keeping Cool Fun

As most of you know, it has been RIDICULOUS hot around here this week.  Now I LOVE the heat, but it is hard to entertain the little ones when it's this hot out.  So we've been trying to come up with some fun ways to entertain Little M in the house.  Her new favorite activity is to 'wash her hands'.  We pull a step stool over to the kitchen sink, tie on her apron, fill the sink with water, soap, some cups and bowls, and let her play.  It is super fun for her and keeps her entertained for almost an hour!

Need more water!

Now for some soap

How cute is this apron?

Mommy, you should play too!

Love her little gap teeth!

Giving Mr. B some water

Happy girl


  1. How cute is she? CB is a gap toothed girlie too. Anyway to keep cool sounds like fun to me!!


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