On My Own

So the husband went back to work today...cue sad tears now.  He has been home for six weeks and I had not yet gotten sick of him!!!  We had gotten into a nice rhythm with the girls and everything was going pretty smoothly.  So I would be lying if I wasn't a little nervous about what life will be like with him gone!

I'll admit though, so far it's not too bad.  Little M went down for a nap just before he left, so it was just me and Baby C.  Now C is napping in the pack-n-play and M is watching Toy Story and drinking her milk.  I was even able to throw a load of laundry in!  Though I can almost guarantee that in just a few minutes Baby C will wake up, Little M will want me to have a dance party with her, the phone will ring, and Mr. B will be chewing something.  I speak only from experience as this is what usually happens around 5 pm every night!

Thankfully my baby sis is coming over tonight to help with bedtime, so I'm not totally alone!  Then I'll just have to deal with tomorrow before the hubs is off again for two days.  So it's really not that bad after all!

I know lots of you already balance 2+ kids, but I'm still new to doing this alone {especially since Baby C doesn't like to sleep at night...pretty much ever}  So any tips or mommy secrets that you have will be much appreciated!


  1. Oh no! I hate that he has had to return to work! I can only imagine the wonderful routine that your family had gotten used too. I know this is going to be such a hard moment for us whenever we have Bryar. Although, Curtis will only be off for a week or so.

    I hope he has a safe and wonderful first day back!


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