- Over the past month Baby C has been getting into a MUCH better nighttime routine. More sleep for baby = more sleep for mommy = everyone is much happier! 95% of the time now, Baby C goes down for bed right around when Little M does, between 7:00 and 8:00 pm. She then sleeps until about 4:00 am when she wakes for a feeding. That normally takes between 30-45 minutes and she goes back down pretty easily. She and Little M wake up around the same time every day, between 7:00 and 8:30 am. Of course I'm not going to bed until midnight or 1:00 am so I'm not get a ton of sleep, but it's my own fault! I cannot tell you how happy it makes me to get more than one or two hours of sleep at a time!
- Since about 5 1/2 weeks, Baby C is a formula-only fed baby. Because of her reflux I was exclusively pumping during the day and formula feeding at night. But the breast milk was not filling her up enough {we had to top off with formula after every feeding} and it was also giving her a BAD case of baby acne. On the formula she is now full and acne free!!
- We took Baby C to her 2 month doctor's appointment the other day. She is 11lbs {75%} and 21 3/4" long {50%}. She had to get two shots and unfortuntaly had a reaction to them that night. She spiked a fever around 8:00 pm and I wasn't able to get her down to sleep until 2:00 am. Thankfully she was back to her old self by the following afternoon.
- She is finally starting to have longer stretches of awake time during the day now. She's still not on any kind of napping schedule yet, but it's so fun to play with her more now! She likes her bouncy seat and playing on her activity mat. She's not too fond of the swing though. I am hoping to get her naps a little more scheduled in the next two months though.
- When Little M was a baby she HATED being swaddled. Girlfriend wanted her arms free! But Baby C? LOVES it! It is the only way we can calm her down and get her to sleep sometimes. We even have to swaddle her in the carseat or she will just scream her little head off {We have those special swaddle pod things that have openings for her seatbelts....don't worry she is completely strapped in under the swaddle!}
- Baby C takes the pacifier a lot now, but has also been trying to suck on her thumb recently....I wonder which she'll stick with in the future?
- Overall Baby C is doing well and has fit perfectly into our family. I cannot believe she is already two months old though! Time rrrreeeeaaaallllyyyy needs to slow down!
Smiley |
Her very first band-aid {from her shots} |
Baby feeties! |
Love my sweet girl so much! |
I think she looks so much like little M in that last picture! Wow. And, yes, time does need to slow down. It really moves way too fast. Glad to know you are getting some more rest and can actually enjoy these moments.
ReplyDeleteI have to agree, she looks so much like Little M! Very cute (:
ReplyDeletelooks at her! shes gowing so fast!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe she sleeps that good! Preston didn't sleep that well until he was almost two! I was sooooo tired! If Little M was such a good baby and sleeper and Baby C wasn't such a great sleeper until now does that mean I've got a good sleeper coming in my next baby? Or is that just wishful thinking? lol. I can't believe she is already two months old! Where does the time go! And in that last picture she looks soooo much like Little M! You are definitely going to have sisters that you can tell are sisters! :)