- I swear Little M has grown six inches the past few months. All of a sudden she is so tall! All the shorts we got her at the beginning of the summer are short-shorts now! We had to do a major late summer / fall clothes shopping for her the other day. Thankful for Kohl's and all their great sales and coupons!
- Little M is going to be a computer genius. Seriously. She just hops right up at the desk, turns on the family 'puter, opens up Internet Explorer, clicks on one of her favorites {Disney Junior or PBS kids} and starts playing some games. Girl can double-click with the best of them! And don't even get me started with her expertise on my mom's I Pad or my I Touch. I'm going to have to look into those parental controls ASAP.
- I really not sure where this kid running around my house has come from. Wasn't she just a baby...or at least a toddler? Now she is a straight up KID. She carries on long conversations, sings, plays make-believe with her toys, and dances. She likes to have her fingers and toes painted and insists on picking out her own colors. She drinks out of a regular cup and tells us what she wants to eat. She can climb into the car and walk down the stairs all by herself. She yells at Mr. B when he is being naughty and gives him a treat when he is being good. She can sing her ABC's, count backwards from 10, and is starting to learn her colors. She knows to stop at a red light and go when it turns green. Usher and Rianna are her favorite singers. I've already started to look into pre-schools for her!
- But as big as she seems to me these days, she is still my little girl. She still has a paci at night and isn't potty trained. She {thankfully!} still naps from 2:00-4:00 pm every day. She still loves to give kisses and snuggle. She hides her head in my legs when she is scared. She can't dress herself totally and still needs some help putting on her shoes.
- Little M seems to have really embraced her job as the big sister in the house. She loves to give baby C kisses and lay down on the play mat with her. She always tells us when Baby C is crying. And she loves to bring us Baby C's bottle, paci, etc.
- I love watching my little girl's personality develop more and more every day and am just so blessed to be her mommy!
Concern |
Shock |
Big and strong |
Pretty lady |
Oh my! You're so right! What a little girl you've got. Wow. They grow too fast. And I LOVE the face photos.