Me Updates!!

- Here I am just over two months post-partum.  I have to admit I LOVE not being pregnant anymore!  Seriously not being nauseous 24 hours a day for 9 months straight is the best feeling eeeevvaaah! I love having a squishy little newborn in my arms so much better than in my belly

- I am very lucky to have never suffered from any post-partum depression or even the baby blues.  I think it's because my pregnancies are so rough that even being totally sleep deprived doesn't bother me!

- I still have 20 lbs to lose....yuck.  I'm frustrated because NONE OF MY CLOTHES FIT and also the weight just fell off after having Little M.  I started the Special K diet this week and have been hitting the gym pretty hard core so hopefully it will start to come off soon.  I've also been doing the Shred this week to start to tone up.  I have such a love/hate relationship with that DVD!

- I am slowly getting into a routine with the girls now that Skip is back at work, well as much a routine as you can get when your hubs works shifts that change every week.  I've even been venturing out to a few stores with them.  I am very lucky that Little M is so self sufficient these days and is happy to play some games on the computer when I have to feed Baby C. 

That's about all I've got on me....sorry, no pictures until I lose this weight!


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