Stupid Hurricane

Just wanted to update you all real quick.  So we're home from vacation almost a full week early.  As I'm sure you all heard, there is an ENORMOUS hurricane is headed our way and so we felt it was safest to be at home and away from the shore {since we were staying just a block away from the water}.  Thankfully we rushed to pack and left last night, since the place we were staying was issued a mandatory evacuation this morning.  I'm glad we beat the traffic.  I was running around like crazy today buying supplies and Skip secured everything outside.  My friend Jenn is coming over to 'hurricane' it with us {yes I just made it a verb} since her town is under volunteer evacuation right now.  Shelters are set up in the towns surrounding me.  \

To be honest?  I'm a little scared.  I've got two babies and two puppies to take care of, and my house is FILLED with windows.  And I've shown you the pictures of how bad my yard floods in just a thunderstorm.  If the power goes out there goes our sump pump and our basement will flood.  They are talking about 15 in. of rain and power out for days.  Now I know this is all worst case scenario, but since we had a freakin' EARTHQUAKE the other day I'm not taking any chances!! 

I'll try and update on twitter mailto:%7B@mommusings} as much as possible, but if I lose power I won't have any Internet {I really need an I Phone and not just an I Touch}  So if I go missing for a few days I'm just attempting to entertain two kids in the dark!

Hope all of you on the east coast are prepared and stay safe.  Update again next week!!


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