2 on Tuesday

It's time for another installment of 2 on Tuesday with Andrea

 This week's topic is "What two television shows that have gone off the air do you miss?"

The first show I miss is Lost.  Now I didn't watch it when it was live on the air....Skip and I started watching it about a year ago on Netflix and watched the whole series in just a few months.  We absolutely loved it though and I'm so sad I'm not getting my weekly Sawyer fix!

The second show that I miss is Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. I'm not normally into comic books or superheroes but I LOVED this show!  It hasn't been on in years, but I still miss it!  Thankfully the whole series is on Netflix so I can watch it anytime I want!

So what shows do you miss that aren't on air anymore?


  1. I never watched Lost, but I know lots of people who LOVED it. :-)

    I hadn't thought of Lois & Clark in a long time. Great show!!

  2. I think I'm one of the few in this bunch who doesn't miss LOST..lol Lois & Clark I forgot all about that show another great one.

  3. I loved Lois and Clark!!! It was such a great show!

  4. i need to get the dvds and watch lost from the beginning. i watched for the first three seasons, and then stopped. I tried to watch the final season and was totally lost. i've seen the finale and I still have no idea what really happened.


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