2 on Tuesday

I'm linking up again this week for My Chihuahua Bites for this weeks 2 on Tuesday.  Today's question is:

If you were stranded on a deserted island, what two items would you wish to have with you?

First off I'd make sure to have my I Pod touch {with Internet access of course}
Music, twitter, Facebook, blogs, I'd be set for weeks!

And the second thing I'd want on the island?  Sawyer from Lost of course!

Strictly because of his experiences with deserted islands...of course ;)

So what about you?  What two things would you want?


  1. I'm with ya on the technology and that is a HANDSOME pic of Sawyer! Oh la la! Good call!

  2. I so wanted to put my Ipod, but how would I charge it?

    Can share Sawyer with the rest of us? Just to look at, of course! :)

  3. mmm Sawyer...he could come in very handy..lol.

    Stopping in from 2 on Tuesday, have an amazing day!

  4. I put my iPhone!! So glad I am not the only one that didn't put something practical like TP!!! Ha!!

    Here from 2 on Tuesday!

  5. hot and useful... those are the best kinds of men. ;)

    thanks for linking up this week, friend!


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