Can You See It?

Skip and I took the girls outside yesterday to get some fresh air and run off some energy.  I brought my camera since I feel like I've been lacking in the picture taking department recently.  And there's nothing like a beautiful fall day as a backdrop!

I snapped oh you know like 200 pictures of my girls in a span of about 20 minutes. What can I say...I think everything they do is cute! But there are two pictures that even I can't believe I took, they are so beautiful!

Not only do you get a good glimpse of Baby C's baby blues, but if you look very closely, you can see the gorgeous clouds reflecting in her eyes!  Now I'm not photographer, but these are pretty damn good if I say so myself!


  1. How GORGEOUS!! :) You are such a lucky mama. You have the most beautiful children. I just got a twinge of family-envy. LOL! In time, in time.

  2. Wow these are beautiful! Great job girl!!

  3. what sweet pictures!!! her eyes are amazing!!

  4. I love her baby blues! and awesome job with the clouds!


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