Miscellany Monday

Just some random stuff that's been on my mind!

{one} Do they show the reading of the victims names on 9/11 in other parts of the country?

{two} Do towns in other parts of the US have 9/11 ceremonies, or is that just around here?

{three} I find it strange when people want to come to NYC to see the sight.  I am not judging them at all, and I understand why they want to, but it's just weird to me. 

{four} My allergies are driving me crazy today!!!  No idea how to make them stop

{five} I hate the Giants this week:(  BUT the plus side is that Skip and I have the most fantasy points this week in our league....that has NEVER happened for us before!!

{six} There has been a lot of drama going on in my life this weekend.  Hoping this week brings a break from it!

{seven} One of my Marine's Girls is getting married this Friday and I could not be happier for her!!  I am also ridiculously excited to go to a wedding not pregnant!

{eight} AP is going to be taking some pictures of the girls soon and I am totally stressing what I should dress them in....any suggestions?

{nine} I just realized I have the same first two initials as AP...haha

{ten} I still have FOURTEEN pounds of baby weight to lose:(  How did all my weight just fall off with Little M but this just won't budge?!?!

{eleven} Baby C has outgrown her newborn stuff and is now in 3 months clothes...sniff sniff


  1. Yes, we watched the victims names being read on TV on Sunday morning. It was on every channel here.

    Yes, they have 9/11 memorials in other places. I went to one on Friday {blog post is coming}. Although we are under two hours from DC and three hours from NY and some of our first responders went to the Pentagon, so I am not sure if that's the reason why.

    I agree with going to NY to visit Ground Zero. It is creepy, but to us since we're so close it may not mean the same for someone say from Colorado. One of my good friends lives in CO and last time she visited she wanted to go to NY and the first place she wanted to see was Ground Zero. We went, because I can go to NY whenever where as they may have been a once in a lifetime thing for her.

    Great random post! You look GREAT after having C! I weigh less now then I got pregnant, but I have A LOT more weight to lose!

  2. The Giants made me want to cry! :P

    And I live near DC, so they had tons of ceremonies here as well.

    But I found this article day, 9/11 Memorials from around the world. I was surprised to see it a bit, but also very touched!


  3. I know there where a few memorials in toronto but I don't *think* the names were read.

    I've always wanted to go to NYC and from watching the specials on sunday, I had the sudden urge to go now.


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