Potty Training Take Two

See this little girl right here?

That's my baby...my little bumbling toddler.  But now that she is POTTY TRAINED I don't think I can call her anything other than a girl anymore:(  I am soooo proud of her and how far we've come.

Remember this post I wrote a few months ago about how we started, and then promptly stopped potty training Little M?  Well putting it down completely for a few months was probably one of the best things we did.  She obviously wasn't ready and the fact that we backed off really helped.  But a few weeks ago we figured it was time to start again.  She seemed much more ready this time and I was looking forward to only having one kid in diapers. 

We started on a Thursday.  The first two days were hard...they made me want to give up.  Little M was finally going to the bathroom in the potty, but she was having as many accidents as she was successes.  But we kept on and didn't quit.  We had decided to just dive head first into it.  We got rid of the diapers and decided Little M would only wear underwear during the day, and pull-ups at nap time and bedtime.  No matter how tough it got, we would not go back...we didn't want to cause her any confusion.

The first two days we sat her on the potty every 15 minutes.  She had to sit there for at least 3 minutes.  If we could tell she really had to go but was trying to hold it in, we'd leave her on there until she went.  We didn't do any kind of reward system, just a ton of praise.  Oh, and we only leave the potty in the bathroom.  We're not the type to just have it wherever the child is hanging out, but that's just us.

Days three we were able to extend the time in between potty visits since she was able to hold it for longer.  My day four we didn't make her go sit on the potty at specific times, we just asked her every ten minutes or so if she had to go.  We obviously still have a few accidents here and there, but they were few and far between.  Once we had been potty training for a week, we no longer had to ask Little M if she had to go...she just told us! 

We started Little M of on a little kid's potty on the floor.  We have since taken the top off of that and attached it to our regular toilet.  Makes cleaning up so much easier!!  She still needs a little help taking her pants on and off and getting up on the seat, but other than that she's good!  We have even been able to take her out on a few outings recently with no accidents!  We're never out for more than 2 hours, but that's still a long time for a little girl!  We'll have to see what happens the first time she has to use a public bathroom! 
So that's what has been going on around here.  My little baby is all grown up and day-trained on the potty.  She's still waking up wet from nap and bedtime, so she'll be in pull-ups then for awhile.  Though she will sometimes wake up and want a change if she wets herself!

The only advice I really have for moms and potty training is really wait until your KID is ready.  Don't worry about having two kids in diapers, or if they are older than you wanted them.  It will be soooo much easier once they are ready!

Next up? Getting Baby C on a nap time schedule! Wish us luck!

And one more picture because who doesn't love this face!


  1. Awesome! That is such a big deal -- good job, M! And good job, Mommy, for knowing when to pursue and when to let off.

  2. Go Little M! Hurray for potty training!! And yay for you only having one in diapers! And in a few years having NONE in diapers!!!

  3. LOVE that last picture! :)

    Ci is almost there too, except she won't #2 in the potty. She has never did it for me, she does it usually every other day at daycare.

    I need to get her potty trained, because once I do, Daniel says we can start talking about baby number 2!

  4. Hi! I am Erin with Indiana Coupon Savings. I am hosting a Thursday Blog hop with Debs Dealz and we would like to invite you to participate. We have had great success. You can check it out here. http://www.indianacouponsavings.blogspot.com

    Hope to you see you!! Thanks


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