2 on Tuesday - Pictures of Me

Time for another 2 on Tuesday with Andrea today!!


Today's topic is: What are your two favorite pictures of yourself?
{and yes I am aware it's supposed to just be two pictures....guess I'm not that good at following the rules!}
Skip's sister snapped this without us knowing.  We were packing up my car to take him to Pennsylvania to begin his pre-deployment training.  It's my absolute favorite picture of us

I don't think much needs to be said about why I love this picture

My very first belly picture ever.  Spring 2008 - pregnant with Little M and still suffering from morning sickness!

My final belly picture ever.  Taken at 39 weeks 1 day with Baby C

First picture with both my daughters.  My heart is full

You know what's funny....none of these pictures are really all that flattering of me.  But they capture such happy, wonderful moments in my life that I never want to forget.

What are your favorite pictures of yourself?


  1. Awesome pictures!! LOVE that first one.

  2. I also love the first one of you & Skip! Pictures taken without you knowing are sometimes the best and capture a memory you love. So cute!

  3. Great pictures full of happy memories. You are a beautiful pregnant momma!

    PS. I don't follow rules either. It's ok! ;)

  4. i love every single one of these :)

    my faves are one of me and hubs dancing at our wedding and then the one of the second i saw bg for the first time.

  5. love the pics! I have too many to pick from♥

  6. Well said! Pictures don't have to be flattering to mean the most to us!


  7. great pictures - all of them. love the preggo pic. your belly is insane!

    sorry i am just now coming by - life has been crazy! thank you so much for participating!


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