Happy Birthday to Me!

So this is it.  Today I turn

...as in the last year before I turn 30!  This is the last year I can say I'm in my twenties.  What happens next year? Do I have to stop wearing jeggings and bikini's?  Will it be wrong of my to continuously listen to Usher and PitBull?  If that's the case then I'll stay twenty-nine forever!

Who knows what next year holds, so I think I'll spend this rainy birthday eating way too many cupcakes and snuggling with my two best little girls!


  1. Happiest birthday to you!!!! Go out and enjoy your bad self tonight :)

  2. Happy Birthday!!

    www.justbren.com (NEW)

  3. Happy Birthday, Momma!! I hope you spoil yourself today!!!

    Time to pack away the thongs & get out your granny panties :P

  4. Happy Birthday on your FIRST 29th birthday. This is where the numbers stop going up. Next year will be your 2nd 29th birthday. I've had several 29th birthdays, and I'm doing great! :)

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! go put on some pitbull and eat a cupcake for me!

  6. Happy Birthday Friend! Hope your day is wonderful!

  7. Happy Birthday!!!! Enjoy cupcakes and quality girl time (:

  8. Happy 28+1 Birthday!!!!!! :) I'm not positive I'll turn 29... let alone *faints* 30.

    Lead the way!!! I'll follow!!! :)

    I hope you enjoyed the cupcakes.... mmmmm cupcakes!!!

  9. Happy Birthday!!! So what'd you do to celebrate?

  10. I'm a day late (sorry!!) but I hope you had an incredible day yesterday!!!


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