One Pin at a Time

I have a confession to make....

...I'm a Pinterest addict.  Seriously.  I am awake waaay past my bedtime every night just pinning away!  I am disappointed in myself because I resisted joining for so long.  But it is so so good.

I've committed myself to not just letting hours drift by as I pin away...I actually want to make, cook, wear, try most of the things I pin.  Here are just a few of the things I've been working on so far!

Best sausage and peppers ever
Photo from Pinterest

I just made some of these tonight.  They are still drying but look pretty good so far!
photo from Pinterest

I made one of these out of a white t-shirt
photo from Pinterest

Cheesy chicken....sooooo good
photo from Pinterest

In the middle of making one of these for my mother-in-law for Christmas
photo from Pinterest

Cookie dough thing I've ever eaten!
photo from Pinterest

Cheddar chicken...delicious!!!
photo from Pinterest

Another tshirt scarf I made!

I painted my knife block!

There are also some things I have done around the house that I didn't see specifically on Pinterest, but I have been inspired to do.
A few small picture walls

Old frame, wedding pictures, vinyl sticker from the dollar store!

Chalkboard in the kitchen! {which I am almost done painting, so excuse the primer on the walls
So what about you?  Are you on Pinterest?  Do you just pin for fun or are you trying out some of the things you find?


  1. I am on Pinterest.... I usually repin your awesome pins!!! :)

  2. I pin! I am addicted... but sadly I pin more than I make in real life :P

  3. I just signed up but I'm afraid to mess with it too much because I've heard it's really addictive! I just bought new frames to put more pics up too! Love all the photos around your house!


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