You Know You Blog too Much When.....

Yesterday Skip and I took the girls to pick out pumpkins.  As he got into the car I looked at his sweatshirt and said "Why are you wearing your police academy shirt with your last name on it?  Now I can't post any pictures of you on my blog!"

He just laughed and rolled his eyes.

Maybe I should think of a blogging break?


  1. haha thats great!
    blogging is so addicting and life consuming!

  2. Hahaha that's too funny!:-) My husband would have done the SAME thing.

  3. haha too funny!
    there are many times when i'm about to take a pic i know i'll upload to the blog, and i make sure things look 'just right'! i'll have my husband rearranging things just to take a pic to pretend the house looked that clean!

  4. lol!and no I dont think you blog too much :)


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