Baby C's Baptism

This past Sunday we welcomed Baby C into our church.  I was excited for her baptism because it was going to be a day just about her...which as the second child sometimes she gets lost in the shuffle.  But not was just about Baby C.

We planned a semi-big party for our friends and immediate family back at our house for after the service.  My two sisters are her godmothers and our good friend D {Little M's godfather} is Baby C's godfather as well. 

It was a beautiful ceremony and of course Baby C screamed through the second half of it...though that is to be expected! We had a great time at the party too...eating, relaxing, {and of course watching football...whoops!}  Sadly, I have no pictures of the food!  But I'll try and snag some of my sister's pictures later.

Me and the girl of the hour

Us and the godparents

Being baptized

Blessed girl

Our little family


Love those cheekies!!


  1. Your girls are angels, and baby C is such a little cherub! Those cheekies ARE SO SWEET! Congratulations on what I'm sure what was a beautiful Christening!

  2. Yay! Gorgeous pictures! I am a little jealous of her stuffed giraffe too (:

  3. Yay! I'm so glad you guys were able to pick a date!! The pictures looks wonderful! C looks so cute! And look at you, I can't believe you had a baby five months ago! In fact I hate you a little bit for it! :) Congrats to C on her baptism!


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