I Need Another Shot

The past week has really been kicking my rear end around these parts.  After spending days getting ready for Baby C's sweet baptism last Sunday, the hubs was right back to work on Monday to work five days in a row, have one day off, and then work another three.  Little M has been turning into a little tantrum queen and Baby C just screams all.day.long.  I woke up sick last Monday {I have yet to get better} and Baby C has decided that sleep is for the weak...no napping, no sleeping at night, nothing.   And I've already told you about the adventure that was bringing two kids to the doctor alone

With all that going on though, I didn't want last week to be a total wash.  So since we were mainly bumming around at home, I figured I'd attempt to take the girls Christmas picture.  I already feel totally behind in that department, so it was time to get down to business. 

Decked out in there fancy new Christmas dresses and armed with my camera and some props, I thought we were setting ourselves up for success.  Until I started snapping away.  This was the best picture I got.

Guess what I'll be doing today.  So think of me and send good vibes that this shoot goes well.  Because otherwise the only pretty face you'll all be seeing on my cards this year is this one....


  1. I can 100% relate to this post! Sometimes life with two small kids just kicks your butt!

  2. LOL! I only have Preston and I even gave up on trying to get a Christmas card picture this year! I just used one from our family photos in October! Good luck getting the perfect shot!


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