Outnumbered Outing

Since Little M was born, I've kind of made an unofficial rule to never take her to the doctor alone {I have done it though, and this obviously does not apply in an emergency or case of illness}.  Now I know this sounds totally weird, but with Skip's weird work schedule, his days off are almost always during the week, so it's not that ridiculous of a thing.  And honestly, I just like having someone else there to remember questions we have or details on a diagnosis from the doctor. 

Obviously if I felt this way when we just had Little M, you can be real sure it has been the same now that we have two kids.  Baby C has appointments every month {our doctor likes to spread out shots} and each time Skip, Little M, Baby C, and I all trek over there together. {I must also tell you that the girls' pediatrician is also *my* old pediatrician...that has nothing to do with the story I just thought I'd share}.

Anyways, Baby C had her five month check-up scheduled for yesterday morning.  Originally Skip was supposed to be working nights, but his schedule was switched this week so he could take a class on fingerprints.  He did offer to change the appointment, but that seemed ridiculous.  Moms all over the country take 2, 3, 4+ kids to the doctor all the time.  I could take my girls this one time.

Let me tell you...I don't ever want to do that again!!! First off, it took me about an hour and a half to get all three of us ready because one of the girls was constantly fussing or crying.  I finally get them both loaded in the car with all our diapers, wipes, underwear, snacks, drinks, etc with just enough time to get to the doctor by our 10 am appointment.  About halfway through the trip we hit not one, but TWO detours.  Awesome.  By the time we get to the doctor we're about 10 minutes late.  Thankfully though there is no one else waiting and the doctor is just finishing up with a patient.  I assume it will just be a few minutes wait.  Thankfully both girls were very good during our FORTY-FIVE MINUTE WAIT.  Awesome.

We're finally brought into the room and Baby C starts crying, so I free her from her car seat.  Then Little M announces she has to go to the bathroom.  I tell the nurse where we're going to be in case the doctor comes in, and while holding Baby C manage to help Little M go to the bathroom...one handed.  I wrangle them back into the room and while we were gone the doctor came in..but since we weren't there he decided to go make a phone call while he waited.  A phone call which lasted fifteen minutes.  A fifteen minutes that Little M thought was the perfect time to through a crying screaming fit on the floor.  Awesome.

The doctor finally comes in.  The next few minutes are a whirlwind of trying to talk to the doctor, hold Baby C down for her shots, console her screaming self, stop Little M from climbing all over the tables, and get Baby C undressed, cleaned up from peeing all over herself, and dressed again.  All while trying to stay calm and look like I actually have this parenting thing down.  Don't worry, Baby C is all happy and healthy...or at least I think that's what I was able to hear the doctor say.

I finally get Baby C strapped back into her car seat and head out to make their next appointments {on days Skip is off obviously!}.  I'm about to breathe a sigh of relief as we are almost out the door when Little M throws the mother of all tantrums.  It just really topped off my morning and sent any semblance of me looking like a pro right out the door with her screams.

After wrangling the girls back into the car we drove straight to the Wendy's drive-thru....because Mommy obviously need the largest fountain Diet Coke ever after that morning!!

So moms of 2+ kids, how do you do it??  Supermarkets, malls, even dinners out I can handle with just the two of them..but the doctors?  Kicked my butt!


  1. This morning I had to go to the doc to have my thyroid checked. I took my 16 month old and 3 year old. My 15 month old FREAKED out when I had to lay on the table. It was lovely. Luckily, with hubby's job, I am used to it. I always pack LOTS of snacks and I also have a few special books and toys that they only get to play with when we are at the doctor's or somewhere else they need to be quiet. :-) The joys of mommyhood.

  2. I have to take G to the doc tomorrow and I JUST told B that he is keeping L. I refuse to take them both if I don't have to.

  3. That is the part about two that freaks me out! And makes me incredibly grateful for my nephew and the practice that he's given me. But still even then I avoid certain places and outings when I have Preston and Mason! The Dr being one of them! Hurray for surviving it! And fingers crossed that hopefully it will be a long time before you have to take both of them again! :)


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