When Did I Get This Old?

I know I've been married for 6 1/2 years and have two kids already, but some days I feel older than others. And in the past few weeks I have been feeling *really* old. Because not only am I old enough to have had a mortgage for almost 7 years, but we're not working on REFINANCING that mortgage. Seriously. How old does that make me sound?

And the worst part about it??? I'm excited!!! Okay, well I'm half excited. The prospect of saving a couple hundred dollars a month makes me all kinds of giddy and excited.  Think of all the money that could go into our savings, or the girls college funds, or maybe on my feet in the form of a pair of grey, high-heeled boots! {hey, a girl can dream right??}

But I'll be honest, the part I'm not so excited about is all the paper work, phone calls, and online searching we'll be doing.  So far all we've been doing in the process is looking into different banks to compare mortgages and what kind of rates and closing costs they have.  We've also been looking into what kind of tips the government gives you about refinancing.  We want to be as prepared as possible so we don't get hit with any extra fees and whatnot.

Once we settle on a bank, we'll start the endless piles of paper and make an appointment for an appraiser to come to the house.  Since the market has gone even lower since we bought this place, the appraisal is definitely causing me some anxiety.  How much our closing costs and what our rate will be depends on if our house appraises for more or less than we bought it for 3 1/2 years ago.  Anyone have a house appraised before?  Any tips to make sure we get as much money as we can?

Once the appraisal is in, it's all paper work from there.  From what I understand about refinancing, you are essentially selling your house and re buying it again, if that makes any sense.  That's where the closing costs come into play, just like when we first bought our house.

Now it may seem strange that we are refinancing when we haven't even lived here for four years yet.  We did get a pretty awesome interest rate from the PBA when we first bought the house.  But the interest rates have dropped a bit since then, and we have decided to go with a VA loan now, instead of the PBA, so we don't have to pay PMI insurance anymore.

Wow, am I boring anyone else, or just myself?  Haha.  Anyway, that's what's been going on around here recently.  If you have refinanced before or have used the VA loan, I'd love to hear any tips you have!

Disclaimer: This was a sponsored post.  However all opinions and statements are true and my own.


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