'Twas the Night Before Christmas

Hey guys!!  I hope you all had a wonderful holiday!  I know we did over here, and I'm happy to say I think it was the best Christmas I've ever had!  I'm going to be boring you with recaps for the next few days, so hang in there with me!

Christmas Eve has always been more special to me than actual Christmas day.  I love the anticipation and pure magic of it all.  This one was no different.

I had spent the days prior finishing up shopping, wrapping, and baking so I could just relax and enjoy the holiday as much as possible.  That was working out great until I realized late Friday morning that I had somehow lost Baby C's Christmas jammies.  And there was no way I was going to just forget about her wearing special jammies for Christmas!

So I woke up Christmas Eve and hit up Kohls to get some last-minute things.  Surprisingly it was not as crowded as I thought it was going to be.  Once I got home, we had lunch together as a family, and then Skip had to get ready to go to work:(  He reluctantly left at 1:00 and then it was GAMETIME for the girls and I!!!


Even Mr. B got in on the action!
The Giants were playing the Jets.  Playoffs were on the line.  And with both teams being from New Jersey York, it is a *huge* rivalry around here.  Thankfully though the game ended in the Giants favor, so I was a happy girl!

Once the game was over, the girls and I headed over to my parents house for dinner.  We had a huge, delicious meal, and exchanged gifts with my baby sister and her fiance.

Giving me the stink eye...somebody doesn't understand the naughty/nice list

Playing games with Grandmom

Snuggles with her aunt

Back home I had the girls open up their Christmas jammies and got them tucked into bed...Santa had some work to do!

Since we were having tons of family over the next day, I spent the rest of the night cleaning, preparing, and cooking.  Once Skip got home around 11 pm, Santa came and got to work putting out presents and filling stockings.  We headed off to bed around 2 am, but it was another hour before I could fall asleep.  I was just too excited thinking about Little M's expression when she saw all her gifts!
Santa at work!

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care...

Mr. B....no help


  1. I LOVE christmas eve more than christmas morning too!!! just something about it :)


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