Ultimate Christmas List with an Add-On

This is the guest post I wrote for Lindsey yesterday if you didn't get a chance to read it!

I am sooo very excited to be joining the Twelve Days of Christmas here on Lindsay's blog.  What a great idea it is!!  It's funny because I have only 'known' Lindsay for just over a week, but we're already fast friends.  We are both SAHMs, with two daughters, living in Jersey, and a *huge* love of the Giants!  So I was just honored when she asked me to be a guest on her blog!!

So anyway, HI!!  My name is Mandy.

You can find me blogging semi-regularly over at Mommy Musings. 

I started blogging almost three years ago when I was a brand-spakin' new mom of a four month old girl.  I was a former teacher turned SAHM and really had no idea what I was doing.  Now I'm a seasoned not so new-mom of TWO little girls. 
Baby C is six months old
Little M just turned 3

I still don't really know what I'm doing, but I've resigned myself to the fact that I don't think it's going to change much.  I've been married to this former Marine, current cop for 6 1/2 years.

I'm constantly blogging, tweeting, and facebooking...and love nothing more than meeting new internet friends!  So that's pretty much sums me up, now on to my post!

Remember when you were a little kid and you got to write out your Christmas wish list to Santa?  It could pretty much contain whatever your heart desired from a pony to a swimming pool.  You knew you weren't going to get any of those big ticket items, but it was nice to dream anyway.

For my post today, I've decided to bring that tradition back and make my own 'dream big' Christmas list.  I know I won't be getting any of the things on here, but this is what I would wish for if there really was a Santa {you know, other than me, haha}
Some new workout gear

This dress and a fun party to wear it to!

A workout gym in my house

These gorgeous grey boots

Really long blond hair

Fancy front-loading washer and dryer

This gorgeous hottub

Now, Skip and I *were* going to get I Phones for Christmas this year.  The AT&T website said we were due for an upgrade on December 14th...perfect.  We went to the store and they were sold out.  But not to be discouraged we headed out to Best Buy the next day.  They had them and were getting ready to set it all up when the girl pointed out that we were due for an upgrade on December 14th....OF TWO THOUSAND AND TWELVE!!  Apparently I can't even read a year right.  So no I Phones this year for us since I can't justify paying $350 for each of our phones

A trip with Turks and Caicos with just Skip, no babies.  I need a beach, a bikini, and some sleep!
What things would be on your ultimate Christmas list?

*Quick little amendment to the list.  The other night Skip surprised me with gift cards to Best Buy to get myself an I Phone.  And he did it in style....like the posterboard scene in Love Actually style....I could not love him more.  It seems like Santa really does exist!!


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