2 on Tuesday - Favorite Recipes

I haven't done this in a while, but I'm excited to be linking up with Andrea for her 2 on Tuesday!!

Today's topic is: What are your two go-to meals?

One of my new favorite recipes {which I'm actually making tonight, is based off a recipe I found here

It is for Sausage and Peppers.
 Here is my version of it:

1 package of sausage {I prefer hot}
1 green pepper {chopped}
2 sweet onions {chopped}
Extra virgin olive oil
garlic powder
tomato sauce
rolls, rice, potatoes, etc...just something to serve it with

1. I prick the sausage with a fork and put it into a skillet I had already put some olive oil in.  Keep turning until they are nice and crispy...about 8 minutes.  Then move the sausages to an oven safe dish.

2. Put the cut up onions and peppers into the same skillet and cook until either slightly crunchy still or totally mushy {the way Skip and I like it}

3. Towards the end of the cooking process, add some salt, pepper, and garlic powder.  I just kind of throw it all in there until I think there's enough.  Then I add enough tomato sauce {I just use whatever jarred red sauce I have lying around} to cover it all, with a slight amount of extra.

4.  Then mix the pepper/onion mix in the pan with the sausage.

5. Put the whole thing in a 400* oven for about 25 minutes.

6. Serve on rolls or over pasta or with rice.  I always save the leftovers and serve over pasta the next day...Enjoy! {and if you made it through reading this you know why I'll never write a cookbook}

My second go-to meal is this Crispy Cheddar Chicken I found on Pinterest. Online culinary classes should be able to teach you other Crispy Cheddar Chicken recipes.

The Ritz crackers really bring a great flavor to it.  I have not yet, however, made the sauce with it.  But I included it with the original recipe in case you wanted to try it out!

Crispy Cheddar Chicken
Time: 15 minute prep + 45 minutes baking

Yield: 7 servings

Recipe from adapted from What's Cookin' Chicago via Pinterest


4 large chicken breasts

2 sleeves Ritz crackers

1/4 t salt

1/8 t pepper

1/2 C milk

3 C cheddar cheese, grated

1 t dried parsley


1 14 ounce can cream of chicken soup

2 T sour cream

2 T butter

1. Cut each chicken breast into 3 large chunks.

2. In a small food processor grind up the ritz crackers.

3. Pour the milk, cheese and cracker crumbs into 3 separate small pans. Toss the 1/4 t salt and 1/8 t pepper into the cracker crumbs and stir the mixture around to combine.

4. Dip each piece of chicken into the milk then the cheese and finally the cracker crumbs.

5. Spray a 9x13 pan with cooking spray and lay the chicken inside the pan.

6. Sprinkle the dried parsley over the chicken.

7. Cover the pan with tin foil and bake at 400 degrees for 35 minutes. Remove the tin foil, bake for an additional 10 minutes, or until the edges of the chicken are golden brown and crispy.

8. Into a medium sized sauce pan combine the cream of chicken soup, sour cream and butter with a whisk. Stir it over medium high heat until the sauce is nice and hot. Serve over the chicken.



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