Follow Friday

I love getting to share the love here in the blogging world, and so today I thought I'd share with you some of my new favorite blogs.  I'm even luckier because they are all friends of mine in real life!  I'd love if you could go check them out, become a follower, and show them some love!

The first blog I want to tell you about is my mom!!  She blogs over at "Between the two...... Living life between two cultures, two homes, two basset hounds and two granddaughters."  Here's a little description she wrote about herself..."We supposedly speak the same language, but with differing accents and phrases. Married life with an Englishman has been quite an adventure! I am the mother of three amazing, now grown up women, I live life between our home and "future retirement" home, caring for two basset hounds and loving every minute I spend with my two granddaughters."  It's so great getting to see my mom perspective on so many different things...especially my girls!

The next blog I want to share with you is by one of my Marine's Girls!  Meredith is seriously the most beautiful girl I know and if she wasn't just so darn nice I would hate her for it ;-)  She has recently launched a make-up business called Meredith Lane Make-up Design and has already won several awards for her work!  She has just started a blog called Meredith Lane Make-up Design and it is full of some great make-up tips and insider tricks.  Here's a little description Meredith wrote, "Hey everyone! My name is Meredith and I am the owner of Meredith Lane Makeup Design. An on location freelance makeup business devoted to glamourizing Brides and Bridal parties...not to mention all types of special event makeup artistry. I began my career in makeup about 9 years ago after graduating from Rizzieri Aveda School of Beauty and Wellness in 2003 with a concentration on skin care. I am a licensed Esthetician with a die-hard passion for makeup. I love and adore all things beauty related and can not wait to share with you my how-to's, product reviews, youtube tutorials and all other things girly and fun! I'm also going to mention that I just recently got married to the love of my life, Jim! Yes, Im a newlywed and Im gloating : ) We live in a tiny town in Southern New Jersey (it should be it's own state) with our 6 year old Olde English Bulldog Murphy. Thank you so much for following my blog. I can not wait to share with you all my true passion in life! Enjoy!!! xox, Meredith"  You definitely want to head over and check her out!!

And finally, my very best friend Linda has started a food blog!!  It's not your typical recipe blog though...she is cooking her way through some really awesome retro recipes!  Not only am I excited that she has entered the blog world, but I love that she often brings over her latest creations to share with us!  And let me tell you, not one has disappointed yet!  Her blog is called Lindy in the Kitchen and here's a little description she wrote "I'm Linda and I'm from New Jersey. I'm married to a wonderful husband, Mike, and we have a little Boston Terrier named Paulie Walnuts. I love cooking and love the 1950s - so what better way to connect them than having a Retro Food blog?? I cook from all decades but mostly the 1950s. I also love traveling - hoping to visit all 50 states someday. Almost there with 32, but I still have a ways to go. Finally, I absolutely adore my family and friends. Time with them is the best whether it's doing something huge or just sitting around watching football. I do hair and enjoy makeovers! That's me in 1200 characters or less. ;)"  So head on over and drool over check out her latest recipes!


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