Fun in the Sun....errrr Snow!

Over the weekend we got quite a few inches of snow here in Jersey.  It's not unusual at all for our area this time of year, but this year has not be normal by any means weather wise.  This is the first real snow fall we've had since that freak 9" of the powedery stuff we got back in OCTOBER.  I have to admit, I did not miss it one bit.  I am a summer girl through and through, and the less snow I have to deal with the better.  We have had our fair share of really cold days, but we were lucky with the precipitation so far.

So while I may not have been too happy about the snow, one little girl I know was EXCSTATIC!  Seriously.  All I heard all day was, "Mommy can we go play in the snow?" Over and over and over.  It was a bit too chilly for Baby C to go outside, so I told Little M she had to wait until Skip got home and could take her.  And you can bet she was dressed and waiting for him as soon as he walked in the door!

Baby C and I got ourselves settled by the window {after shovelling our driveway and sidewalks I'd had enough of the outdoors} It was the perfect settup because Baby C and I could stay warm, and I could still take 200 a few pictures...without worrying about my camera getting wet!!

I wish I had a cute snow suit with adorable boots for her.  Nope...last year's 18month snow suit and rain boots...we're really classy over here

Throwing snow

Mr. B obviously taking a little bite of snow

My first baby Shiba, cause she doesn't get enough facetime around here

Little M and Daddy were very busy outside...there was some snow eating..

.....and shovelling...

....a little dog chasing...

....and helping Skip build his very first snowman {I have no words for this fact}

While inside Baby C enjoyed a Mum-Mum

Watched the fun outside

And tried to persuade me to let her luck baby!

Needless to say Little M had such a wonderful time playing outside.  Her bright-red cheeks definitely proved that.  And a bonus for me?  It's 50* again today and all the snow is gone!  I'm all ready for spring now!


  1. All the pics are ADORABLE!!
    We took the girls in the snow this weekend... and by WE, I mean ME :( I hate the cold too but they had fun!

    Sidenote: Baby C's eyes are GORGEOUS!

  2. Noah LOVES Mum-Mums. To the point that he gets mad at me if I take it from him when he gets too big of a bite.

    I hear you on the not missing winter front. The little amount of snow that we've had is enough for me!

  3. LOVE the pics! So sweet and your dog is adorable!!!!

  4. Oh my goodness these pics are priceless!!! We got a dusting more or less down here but that was on top of two inches of sleet- yuck!!! Glad you got to stay warm and M got to play outside :)

  5. Omigoodness! Your baby has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen! A photographer's dream!

  6. Omigoodness! Your baby has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen! A photographer's dream!

  7. Omigoodness! Your baby has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen! A photographer's dream!

  8. no, Shiba doesn't get enough face time of here! I didn't even know you had two pups!


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