I've Been Tagged!

I was tagged by two of my favorite blog ladies, Allie and Bri to answer a few questions about myself!  And rather than bore you with multiple posts, I combined them into one!  Here are the rules:

The Rules
1. You must post the rules (and link up who tagged you)
2. Post eleven fun facts about yourself on the blog post.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you've tagged.
4. Tag however many people you want
5. Let them know you've tagged them!

Eleven Facts About Me
1. I am allergic to alcohol.  Can't have a drop or I'll immediately start puking.  It's one of Skip's favorite things about me, haha

2. I will only drink coffee out of a travel mug..I don't like it in a regular mug.

3. I majored in English and Elementary Ed in college

4. I went to an all-girls Catholic high school.

5. My girls will go to private Catholic school for elementary and high school.

6. I have to have my toes polished at all times

7. Bon Jovi, Nickelback, and The Calling are my favorite bands of all time

8. I never wanted to have dogs once I moved out of my parents house and got married...I now I have two....amazing what love does to you

9. I naturally have light brown hair but I hate it, so I'm constantly coloring it blond.

10. My dream car for years was a silver Nisaan Xterra...hubs surprised me with one back in 2006!

11. I love working out...seriously.  I always had, but my love of it has grown since I had babies.  It's an hour all by myself every day!

Here are the questions Allie gave me
1. If you had to eat one thing for breakfast for the rest of your life, what would it be? I don't really like eating anything for breakfast..but my favorite breakfast food is a sesame bagel with butter.

2. What is the one chore you despise doing? Putting away clean laundry....I am the WORST at it.  I'm that girl with clean baskets of laundry in her room for days.

3. Are there any books you can pick up and reread over and over again? Little Women and Dear John

4. Who would play you in the movie of your life? I'd like to think Claire Danes....we're both blond and around the same age

5. If you had to rename your blog for any reason what would be its new name? I have no idea...maybe A Cop and his Ladies?

6. What is your favorite outfit to wear? Summer clothes...shorts, tank top, sandals

7. If I gave you $100 what completely non practical thing would you spend it on? Hair and make-up products

8. What is your favorite childhood memory? Our summers spent on Long Beach Island

9. If you could be an instant expert in any subject matter, what would you choose? The French language

10. What is your favorite joke? The only one I can think of right now....What do you call cheese that's not your own?  Nacho cheese!!

11. Where in the world is Carmen San Diego? I have no idea...but I used to love that show!!

Here are the questions Bri gave me
1.What is your go-to outfit? Ideally? sweatpants or workout gear, haha.  But mostly skinny jeans, boots, tank top, and cardigan

2. What is your guilty pleasure? Secret Life of the American Teenager and Pretty Little Liars

3. What is the most valuable lesson you've ever learned? Pick your battles

4. How did you overcome one of your fears? One fear I have is something happening to Skip while he is at work.  While it never goes away, I have learned to try and relax about it and not think about it.

5. If you won the lottery today, how would you spend the money? Pay off my mortgage...give money to friends and family...go on a shopping spree....take a loooong vacation somewhere tropical!

6. What is one thing you never thought you could do but now enjoy? Drink coffee

7. Tell us about your proudest moment. The moment Little M was born and I became a mommy

8. What motivates you to be a better person, employee, etc.? My girls.  I want them to be proud of their mom one day.

9.What is one of your goals for 2012? Why did you set this, and what is your plan to make it happen? To organize and purge our house.  I just feel like we have too much stuff everywhere and want to streamline our house a little more.  I have slowly been going through things and see what I want to donate/sell/throw out.  I started off strong but have been slacking off...need to do more!

10.Do you enjoy answering survey questions? =) Yes!!

11.Is there any portion of your life you wish you could do over? Describe that time and explain why. Sometimes I wish I could relive college.  I seriously loved it, but if I could go back with the knowledge I have now, I think it would be even better!

12. What is your go-to, signature recipe?  It's this recipe for a cheesy Alfredo sauce.  Quick, easy, and everyone loves it!

My Eleven Questions for the People I'm Tagging
1. How many kids do you want?
2. Where is your favorite place to vacation?
3. What time do you go to bed every night?
4. What is your favorite book?
5. Where do you live? {you can just put your state or region}
6. What show could you watch over and over again.
7. What is your favorite holiday and why?
8. What is your favorite brand of clothing?
9. What is your favorite quote?
10. Where do you want to retire?
11. Who will you be cheering for in the Superbowl??

People I'm Tagging
1. 5oh Wifey
2. Lindsey
3. Kim
4. Pam
5. Emmalee


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