I Interrupt Your Regulary Scheduled Posts....

....to bring you some rather exciting news.

A few years ago some of my friends and family started going on Twitter.  I didn't see what the fuss was about.  I had Facebook...wasn't that enough?  But one night my friend Billy was over here and telling me how he had just signed up, it was great, blah blah blah.  But then he told me that Michael Strahan was on Twitter, and he was following him {in case you don't watch football Michael Strahan was one of the greatest Giants players ever.  I once waited in line for FOUR hours to meet him at a book signing...it was amazing}

He is super famous for the gap in his teeth

Hold the phone...he was following Michael Strahan?  Like he could read what he was saying?  I immediately signed up for Twitter and Michael was the first person I started following.

Fast forward to yesterday.  Hoda Kotb {from the Today Show} asked her followers who the first person they started following on Twitter was.  I immediately responded that it was of course Michael Strahan.  And then a few hours later I got this....

O.M.G.  Michael Strahan....THE Michael Strahan tweeted me back!!! Little 'ol me!!  I pretty much felt like a celebrity the rest of the night.  I'm also convinced it's a sign that the Giants will now win the Superbowl....am I right?


  1. WHAAAT! I would FREAK! That is so, so awesome - I'm sure you extra-freaked because you are one of the biggest G-Men fans I know! YES!!!

  2. hahaha you are adorable!
    and yes, GO GIANTS!


    dun dun dun...

    you may hate me after this...

    I'm a Packers fan! Yep, I said it! and you beat us, so your Giants deserve the win!! :) :)

  3. So. Jealous.

    Makes me want to join Twitter!!


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