IParent - A Book Review

I was recently given the opportunity to review a book entitled "iParent: Gender Trends, Online Friends, and the Soul of your Child", and I am so glad I did.  It is written by a man named Don Pearson.  His "28 years of youth ministry and legendary mistakes have led to increased prayer walks and growing insight.  A graduate of MoodyBible Institute, Cornerstone University, and Grand Rapids Theological Seminary, Don splits his time between student ministry and working with parents of adolescents.  He and his wife, Julie, have three grown children and a son-in-law, and have recently entered the magical world of grandchildren." {taken from the back of the book}

I seriously believe that every parent should be given this book when they leave the hospital with their newborn.  It is a technology world we live in now...hello, I am writing this review on my blog:)  But with that much technology comes a lot of opportunities for children to get into trouble.  And it is our job as parents to help prevent that from happening.

This book is a quick, short read and covers the following topics in its chapters:
- Rate of Change
- Decline of Dating
- Rise of Social Networking
- Extended Adolescence
- Blurring of Gender
- Invasive Technology
- Hooking up
- Alpha Girl
- Beta Boy
- Girl Redeemed
- Guy Redeemed
- The Issue is Never the Issue
- Authentic Parenting

As you can see, this book not only discusses a lot of problems in today's society, it also gives us parents some suggestions on how to raise our children in a more well-rounded, moral way.  I did not agree with every point in the book, but it sure did make me question and evaluate my parenting, as well as make a plan for when my girls are older. 

I strongly urge you to go pick up a copy yourself.  Here is a link to where you can buy it on Amazon.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book to read for this review.  I was not monetarily compensated.  All opinions are my own.


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