Little M is Going Where?!?!?

This morning Skip and I got up way too early, {on only three hours of sleep...but that's another story} my mom came over to watch the girls, and Skip and I headed up to one of the local Catholic elementary schools.  Promptly at 7:30 we walked in the doors to register for this little girl for preschool in the fall.

Let that sink in for a minute....PRESCHOOL.  My baby!  Sure, in theory it will be nice to have a few hours a day with just Baby C, but I don't think that's enough of a benefit.  I'm going to miss my girl!  I'm so nervous about her peanut allergy and trusting other people to watch her, and the thought of all of us having to be up, dressed, fed, and out the door by 7:30 every morning makes me tired.  And that's the other's every day.  Five days a week for preK 3?!?!?!  Sure they're half days, but still...every day.  Just seems like a lot to me, but that is the trend with most schools around here.

I know Little M will not only be fine, she is going to thrive!  Girlfriend cannot WAIT to go....she even threw a tantrum last week when we had to leave the open house...she just wanted to stay and play with all the toys and kids.  It's going to be a long few months around here as I continually try and tell her that she can't go to school yet. 

So it's not Little M that I'm worried about at all.  It's totally me.  I mean didn't I *just* bring her home from the hospital??

When did she become this baby, toddler, kid?!?!?

I am so not old enough to have a kid in school.  Now if you'll excuse me I'll be in the corner....crying and holding her newborn clothes.


  1. Aww hugs lovie ! We'll pour our wine together come fall and cry over how we remember their baby clothes!! I can't believe it!!

  2. I'm so excited for her! It's going to be awesome! But I still remember my full freak out about Preston starting preschool! I even told Brad a week or two before that I thought maybe it was a bad idea and we shouldn't do it! lol. I really almost just shut the entire thing down! And now I'm so glad I didn't. He's met a lot of new friends, I've met a lot of parents I really like, and he LOVES it!! And so I love it! You can do this!


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