Photo Dump Monday

I've been sitting here racking my brain, trying to come up with some sort of thoughtful or enlightening post to share with you this Monday.  I have the time...Skip took Little M to the store and Baby C is napping....I have plenty to write about, Baby C's sleeping, Little M getting registered for Pre-K, some amazing new blogs you need to be following.  But honestly, I got nothing in me.  And it's all thanks to this.....

MY GIANTS BEAT THE PACKERS!!!!  First off, yes, they are MY Giants in case you didn't know:)  And last night they beat Aaron Rodger and the Packers....the 15-1 Packers...the ones I picked to win the Superbowl this year.  The game was amazing...seriously.  I'm sure we're going to lose to the 49'ers next week, but it is nice to have just one more week to watch my boys! 

Anyways, because I'm still on a high from last night, all I can seem to muster up today is an IPhone photo dump.  No judgies okay...I promise I'll have something more to say tomorrow!!

I've been working on organizing, getting rid of, and donating lots of things around the house

My two sweet babies playing

It's Jersey girls love our jumpsuits

7 months old and rolling her eyes at me...does not bode well for the future

I had a Groupon that was going to expire, so I had to get my hair trimmed...I hate it..truly.  I feel like I don't recognize myself in the mirror anymore.  Any tips to make hair grow?

This poor guy had a stomach bug....feel as bad for me as for him

Of COURSE we have been going all out for the games!

This sweet girl gets bigger every day I swear

I am obsessed with my matte topcoat

My girl wanting a mani with Mommy??  Love it!

Lots of snuggles with my blue-eyed babes


  1. Your babies are just the cutest. I think I tell you that all the time, but seriously, they are! I think the hair style looks great! But I know how much I hate people telling me my hair looks great when they know I hate it, so I wont say anymore on how cute it is!
    Tips to make it grow! Bioton pills! they actually work! and Wash your hair with
    mane and tail horse shampoo twice a week! That's what I am doing now, and I have seen some major growth!

    sorry for the novel of a comment!
    Have a great week!

  2. I can't get over Baby C's big blue eyes! She's so pretty (both of your girls are).


    Love your rings!

  3. First of all- OUR Giants will win next weekend- c'mon mama we gotta have faith! Secondly- you and your hot self (well combined with Skip) make beautiful babies- the girls just get prettier by the day! XO


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