Skip's 30th Birthday!

While Skip's actual 30th birthday was on Thursday, we had his huge party on Friday.  I had been stressing over it for a bit, but honestly?  I think it was our best party ever!  There were tons of drinks, a keg, and waaay more food than anyone was going to eat.  It was a great mix of people, and everyone seemed to get along really well.  And any party that doesn't wrap up until 3 am is a good time, right?  But you want to know the best part?  Little M didn't make a peep once and Baby C {who was up about 8 times the night before and up until 4:30 the night before that} woke up once...ONCE!!  With almost 40 people in my house, girlfriend slept straight through...maybe I should have a party every night then??  But enough are the pictures!

The theme of the party

Decorations every where

I taped up cloths pins everywhere with pictures of Skip

Giant cake

And yes, I made everyone at the party sing happy birthday to him

We got our trophy!

Even some Marine's came!

Marine's girls

My bestie!

The Marine's really missed each other, haha


  1. You throw an awesome party mama, but even better- you look gorgeous doing it!!! :)

  2. Looks amazing! I'm so impressed that the girls slept! When we had our parties I make my parents take S:-) Maybe Little C needs a white noise machine.

  3. Love the party and the theme was awesome too! Glad it turned out so well! Now come throw my hubby a party for his bday in like 8 days! :)

  4. how fun,looks like you all had a great time! lovin the decorations,putting the pics everywhere is a great idea,think I may have to borrow that one from you!

  5. It was such a great party that ive only just now recovered enough to thank you


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