
Sometimes I get tired of picking up the girls toys all day long....
.....but then I think about all the children without toys.

Sometimes I get so tired of Baby C not sleeping well....
....but then I remember she is my last baby and I will soon miss these days.

Sometimes I worry about money and how much our mortgage is....
....but then I remember how lucky Skip and I have been to be homeowners since I was 22.

Sometimes I get stir crazy sitting at home with the girls because it's too much to bring them out.....
....but then I remember just how lucky I am to stay at home with them everyday.

Sometimes I complain about my husband's weird/long hours....
....but then I remember to be thankful he has a job.

Sometimes I forget Skip was ever was so long ago and I occasionally take advantage of seeing him every day now...
.....but then an image like this burns in my mind.

It is our front yard.  We are flying the flag at half honor of the New Jersey Marine who was killed in that terrible helicopter crash and is being buried today. 
....but then I remember how lucky I am that Skip came home, alive and safe.  We were able to get married, buy a house, work, and raise our girls, only because he came home to me.

Sometimes we just need a reminder....


  1. Amazing post mama!!!! I often think the same way- life is too short though so we must be grateful as much as possible!

  2. Just such a heartfelt post Amanda. I am so proud of all you do and say.

  3. Perspective :)

    He went to school with a lot of friends of mine. I didn't know him but I was thinking of him today.

  4. Such a great post.
    I needed to hear this today-- so, thank you!

  5. This. Just this. A fabulous post!!


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